Saturday, May 29, 2010

Greetings from Eliazar!

Greetings! We are most happy to be with you, and communicate to you through Kathy, our beloved child.

We wish to say, on this day, May 29, 2010, that we see the struggle, pain, and suffering in your world and in your country right now, and we know how challenging it is for you today. We know, through our beloved Kathy, how hard each of you is striving to be all you can be, to be of value and use, yet to also make a successful and fulfilling life and livelihood for yourself and your family. This is a challenging time for you for a reason – we are asking that you remain courageous, bold, and confident in your self, and know that you are walking on the edge of what has come before, and you are being asked – by your own spirits and souls – to keep walking without the net that you had before been so reliant upon..

We ask you walk and walk, and believe and believe in what you cannot see, feel, hear, taste or touch. We ask that you believe in the divine that is within you, and trust in it, no matter what is being presented to you in the physical world. If you can forge a deep, abiding and constant connection with the divine within you, you will find yourself in a world and a life that is beyond your imaginings. We do not promise that this is an easy, “bump-free” road. We do promise, however, that you will expand to levels and dimensions you never thought possible, and this expansion will set the tone for your later incarnations, and for later humanity that follows your footsteps.

The message we send to you today, and we mean it for you and for Kathy in particular, is to follow your heart. But you say, “I have been! That is the problem!” And we say, “No you truly have not,” because following your heart is not a struggle. Following your heart is not a bumpy road, following your heart feels light, airy, joyful, free. What you have been doing is struggling to achieve something that is important to you, and working so hard at it, but that is not the same as following your heart.

How do you tell the difference? Every day, ask your heart – the beautiful green pulsating energy center of your heart – ask it, “What do you want to do today, heart, with me, and with my life? What would make you joyful and strong? Let your heart answer this question. Give your heart a voice, and let it speak to you. Your heart is powerful confident, joyful and knows no bounds. Let it speak to you and through you, each day. And follow what it asks of you.

For Kathy, this will mean that she will follow her intuition and spiritual guidance in her work more fully, more robustly, more “out-loud” as she likes to say, because this is what her heart and soul would like, and her deepest, highest self concurs. She has been afraid, because this goes against the thinking of the masses, and she is afraid that others will think her “crazy.” The life Kathy has chosen, however, is not about following what others think and believe. More about that is for another installment of messages – the story of Kathy’s “inside-outside” experiences – of her looking at religion for instance, as an outsider sitting inside. She must share those experiences because they are very relevant to thousands of you today.

The message for today in a nutshell – if you are struggling– financially, spiritually, professionally, in your relationships, in life, with your children, friends, spouse – you are not following the voice of your heart. Go inside and regain a dialogue with your heart, and follow its guidance. Let us know what you hear and learn, and we will be of help to you on your path.

We promise you this – following the voice of your heart will bring you a peace and surety that eludes you today. Your heart voice will show you a path that has been hidden to you. Follow that path without an attachment to what it will bring you, and you will find the serenity that you are  wanting.

Each of you reading this may connect to your own angels and guides today. Sit quietly, take three deep long breaths, and go inside yourself. Ask your most pressing, burning question about your life that you long to have answered. Wait, be patient -- you will hear an answer. It may be timid at first, but it will grow stronger, and you will know it is the voice of your spiritual guidance because you will feel physically different in the receiving of it. You will feel more aligned, peaceful, quiet, and in love with life – more than the voice of your ego allows.

Blessed children, your life will unfold in beautiful ways, without so much struggle and strain, if you let the voice of your heart speak to you.

Go and be joyful today. We send you love in abundance and are here to assist you, always. We love you, dear children of the universe.

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